Limited #inyourface Rollbuch Edition has been handcrafted with a lot of care and love to detail. It tells a story of collective people power: On each portrait, you find microplastic samples collected from caring people at different beaches around the world, alongside a statement of the protagonist on what the ocean means to him / her. And the story continues: We use these portraits to maximize pressure to introduce a ban of #microplastics in cosmetics – on the political level. These portraits have been seen and their powerful message has been acknowledged by the German Minister of the Environment this week when we handed over 90.000 signatures to her wanting a legal ban NOW – first step of raising awareness has been done. But our goal is still not reached: We want a concrete date of the introduction of the law – and we need your support! Purchasing the #inyourface Rollbuch is one way of helping us.
Founder of Ocean.Now!, Meike Schützek
Art & Concept „Inyourface“ by Swantje Güntzel
Art Direction and founder of Rollbuch, Ann-Christin Müller
Portraits / Photography by Saskia Uppenkamp